Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Little Guy....or not!

 Ayden is into everything at school.  Academic derby just ended and they had a good run.....they won some and lost some, but it was a good season.  His chorus once again made the trip to Busch Gardens this year for competition and brought home GRAND SUPERIOR champion for the second year in a row.  The kids were so excited!  He enjoyed the day with his friends and his favorite teacher after the competition.  We have been so blessed this year with his teacher, Mrs. McKinney (pictured below beside Ayden).  She was exactly what he needed this year after having a rough year with his initial teacher in 4th grade.  Although Ayden likes to sample all her food and get an attitude with her sometimes, she loves him and all of her students and it majorly shows.  It is honestly teachers like her that make all the difference in the world for kids!  I can only hope he ends up with more teachers just as special as he continues his education.  She will be leading her class in a Bobcat Idol production this week as well.  Here's hoping the kiddos have a great time and enjoy their last performances together in elementary school.  I can't hardly believe that I had to fill out paperwork for middle school last week.........HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?  My little guy is not so little anymore.......

SHHHHHH.....don't tell him, because he will never speak to me again.....but, he even has his first little girlfriend.  (Kathleen Smith)  He doesn't speak of her though, so it is a little weird BUT I guess that just makes them young.  I will let you know more, secretly of course, if I ever learn anything else myself......which is doubtful!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


 Actually is one of Raegan's favorite words.  She will see something in the floor that she may trip on and gladly tell you...."actually that is dangerous!"  She is beyond silly and loud when she is comfortable with who she is around.  Otherwise, she is the total opposite.....a little clam hiding in her shell!

She busted out laughing in the car this morning and I had to ask her what was so funny.  She said, "Mommy, your car tick tocks.  Make it tick tock again."  It is amazing that something as simple as a turn signal had her uncontrollably laughing.

Then of course over the weekend we had to run into a little person in Walmart.  I will just let you guess how that went.......

She is sweet, sassy, and full of life!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Out of the Mouths of Babes.....

Raegan's favorite thing to do right now is play babies.  At least one (usually at least three) must go to bed with her (and us) each night. (Hey, it's better than the action figures Ayden used to bring.)  Well apparently, Jillian fell off the bed the other night and landed between the nightstand and the bed.  Raegan spotted her and went running saying, "Mommy, Jillian fell and bumped her head and can't quit crying......bless her heart!"

Raegan also loves bags, which is a trait she has had since she could walk.  On the way to drop off dinner to Grandma, she had to grab her Croc bag so it could go with her.  Ayden says, "Raegan, what is in that bag anyway?"  Raegan turns and runs as they often do from each other.  Once Ayden catches up to her he exclaims, "Mommy, she has peanuts in her bag!.....Raegan!"  Raegan looks him square in the eye and says, "Ayden it's for an emergency".  Ayden says, "what kind of emergency is she going to need peanuts elephant stampede?"

Then while at dinner the other night at Cracker Barrel.....on our third trip to the bathroom......there was an elderly couple ahead of us.  The husband was walking along with his walker with the wife following behind.  Of course we were moving slower than a three year old likes, so she apparently had too much time to think.  As loud as remotely possible she hollers, "Hey Mommy, that lady has a big butt!!!!!!!!!"  (((insert embarrasses Mommy face here)))


Happy Happy Happy

  It’s so crazy to me (as a kid, or even teenager), I always seemed to think time dragged on endlessly. Then at some point in my life, it al...