Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Happy Birthday Ayden!

Wow, what a year it has been for you. I blink and all the sudden, you’re not a little kid anymore. You’re growing up way too fast for my liking. You are all at once mature, keenly responsible, and acting more like a grown-up than a kid every day.
And while it’s equal parts awesome and no! no! not yet!, it’s also a little bit …, where did my baby boy go?
I give you one more summer and you will surely be taller than me. By Christmas, your feet will be bigger than mine (and my feet are pretty big to begin with!).
You are so thoughtful and compassionate, plus so level-headed and easygoing. Traits that I really admire in the young man you’re becoming. You have showed fierce determination when you fixate on a goal (raising grades, participation, etc.), and can do anything you set your mind to.
But this past year? This past year, I rub my eyes and see a completely different kid. Someone who is fearless, who now gravitates towards bigger, faster, higher.  Someone who has really grown into his own.
And I couldn’t be more proud.
You help around the house without being asked (sometimes), are a wonderful big brother to your sister, and are truly a pleasure to be around.
This year, you have discovered a love for playing basketball, and you’re going off in so many new and exciting directions, I can see more and more the type of young man that you are becoming. I’m so glad I get a front row seat to all of it.
I love you and you will always be my baby boy no matter how old you are.  Happy 11th Birthday!


  1. What wonderful pictures that bring such great reminders of this special child. He has brought us so much joy and love. I pray he continue to grow and learn and be the man God wants him to be. Love you all

  2. 2 yrs to teenage!!! Growing at the just right rate. Some too fast some slow most just right!!


Happy Happy Happy

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