Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Happy Happy


It’s so crazy to me (as a kid, or even teenager), I always seemed to think time dragged on endlessly. Then at some point in my life, it all changed. The magic turning point was when I became a parent. Hours, days, months and years were all of a sudden, rushing behind each other, barely waiting for one to end for the other to begin. I woke up one day and realized that time was flying by and there was nothing I could do to slow it down…                                          

All “aha” moments are well cherished along our journey, so it’s difficult to select “the one.” But I can safely say that one of the defining moments for me has been motherhood.

My baby boy is turning 20. TWENTY!!!! I don’t know what to do with that number. I don’t know what to do with that reality. I just don’t know… How do I wrap my mind around that? My Ayden turns 20 …... Who allowed him? From whom did he ask permission? He just thought he was grown enough to march out of his teen years and into his twenties, without consulting me. I guess he knew better, he knew I probably would not have given him permission, trying to hold on to him as long as I could…  I am not sad, truly (maybe I am fibbing just a little). But I am not happy either, just in total shock… 

Ayden, Remember we love you always!!

Now that you are entering this new decade in your life, entering another branch of adulthood, know that I will also love you through those years of changes, discovery…

I can’t wait to see what life has ready for you. Can’t wait to see it unfold for you to experience.

I love the way our relationship has developed, evolved and matured, and I love the promise of how it will continue to unfold in the years to come.

But for now, for today I need you to live your present, just remember when you’re feeling sad, lonely, or lost, which you will definitely feel from time to time just know I’ll be there for you.

Happy, happy birthday sweet boy! Never forget we are proud of you and who you are!! Always walk with a purpose and you will find your dreams!

Love you to the moon or as we hear the beach and back!


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Happy Happy Happy

  It’s so crazy to me (as a kid, or even teenager), I always seemed to think time dragged on endlessly. Then at some point in my life, it al...