Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday Raegan!

 Well, it is extremely hard to believe that this sweet, rambunctious princess is three years old today!  It doesn't even seem remotely possible, does it?   She is full of sass and independence and tries new things each day (as long as it isn't new food).  How can you not love that beautiful face?

My wish for you, my sweet birthday girl, as you turn 3 years old, is that you will keep being “Raegan Shell”. That you will keep dressing up like Snow White while playing with a tractor. That you will continue playing like you are a “Dirty Bad Guy” with your hooded towel on your head and keep fixing boo-boos like Doc McStuffins. The characters can change to whoever you would like them to be, just don't stop pretending. Keep telling your wonderful creative stories and singing little songs you make up. Keep laughing and smiling. Always believe you are "so pwetty" because you are! Just keep being you! There is no one else you should ever be besides yourself! And always know you are loved!

I love you to pieces sweet girl!

Happy 3rd Birthday!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Kids and the Things we say!

While parenting ushers in with it a whole new world of love and sleepless nights, it also brings things out of us that we never thought it would, like letting your house be “clean enough” because you just can’t keep up with the streams of little messes left by little hands. Guilt and emotions run high on any momma’s list, whether we want them to or not. And while I find the things kids say around here quite funny and entertaining, it’s also funny to me the things that come out of my mouth now in response. Things I never thought I’d say, that is until I had kids… especially my girl, because for some reason, on top of using anything she can to hit her brother or wrestle, she is obsessed with wearing as little clothing as possible most times. 
1- We don’t throw food, because we don’t like it.
2- Don’t eat your brother’s toe!
3- Where are your underwear now?
4- The bath is for washing… not drinking.
5- You can’t sit on your brother’s face!
6- Oh, no thank you. I don’t need your finger up my nose. Or in my ear. Or my mouth.
7- Chocolate doesn’t count as dinner. No, neither does a package of doodles.
8- The drain is not going to eat your food and make them say (in a high-pitched voice), “Help Me Raegan, Help Me”!
9- Please close the door before all the bugs take up residence in our house.

10- We don’t hide candy in the couch. Please take it out before it melts.

But, regardless of the strange things I find myself saying I am most thankful for my two precious kiddos!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Real Day!

This day was real, and wonderful and full of lots of little squabbles, squeals, laughs and craziness… just like every day is.

Motherhood is a constant cycle of giving… from those first moments of giving life, actual life, the rest of your life is found in giving. Giving time, energy, comfort, care, hugs, kisses, emotion, lifestyle and everything you can. I am grateful for the moments that make up my days of giving. These moments are filled with more chaos than order and more loud than quiet, but they are moments I wouldn’t trade for anything else. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Guess What???!!!

Ayden made principal's list!!!  Straight A's on his report card!  He is loving school this year.  He loves his teacher and requests to sit beside her, just to talk to her and apparently take her food.  Now when I grocery shop I have to buy the things Mrs. McKinney has that Ayden has determined he liked by sneaking bites of hers.  (She knows this, of course)  I think they have a mutual like of each other.  His parent teacher conference went well and she said she could educationally say he could skip the remainder of the year as he has already met his objectives for 5th grade.  But, I think she would miss him so I dare not tell him that.  We are so proud of him and the smart young man that he is!!  

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Happy Halloween!!

What a sweet little Rapunzel!!

 Such a handsome Kylo Ren!!

Too bad Rapunzel was scared of Kylo Ren......tears and all.  He went much of the evening without a mask due to this fear.  EEK!!! 

Happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


 Just a morning full of leaves, pumpkins, carving, candy, treats, family and fun!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

This guy.....

My handsome guy is growing too fast!Although there are days I would love to strangle him as he forgets to listen or chooses to go his own way......I love him to the moon and I can only hope he knows that and will forever.

Happy Happy Happy

  It’s so crazy to me (as a kid, or even teenager), I always seemed to think time dragged on endlessly. Then at some point in my life, it al...