Well, it is extremely hard to believe that this sweet, rambunctious princess is three years old today! It doesn't even seem remotely possible, does it? She is full of sass and independence and tries new things each day (as long as it isn't new food). How can you not love that beautiful face?
My wish for you, my sweet birthday girl, as you turn 3 years old, is that you will keep being “Raegan Shell”. That you will keep dressing up like Snow White while playing with a tractor. That you will continue playing like you are a “Dirty Bad Guy” with your hooded towel on your head and keep fixing boo-boos like Doc McStuffins. The characters can change to whoever you would like them to be, just don't stop pretending. Keep telling your wonderful creative stories and singing little songs you make up. Keep laughing and smiling. Always believe you are "so pwetty" because you are! Just keep being you! There is no one else you should ever be besides yourself! And always know you are loved!
I love you to pieces sweet girl!
Happy 3rd Birthday!!