In life there
is always a rhythm, we breathe in and out, inhaling and exhaling in one fluid
motion. We sleep and we wake. We watch the tide roll in moments before the
currents secede and roll back out. There is an ebb and flow. Not every
relationship is marked by glittered and sparkly friendship bracelets of spun
unicorn mane, in fact most are messy and some even hurt.
“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” -Leonard Cohen
Just as we can sit along the waters edge in a torrent of crashing waves, we know that sometime soon, the tide will pull those white caps away, receiving them back into the deep and at the same time giving a renewed love for calm inhales and exhales and fresh air.
There will be days when plans don't go as expected, when ideas change and you make memories out of the forced smiles between the cries. Those times will come, they always do. But sometimes without them, the regular days... the days we find ourselves alone in a pumpkin "patch" with happy kids, a cool breeze and perfectly shaped orange gourds, would pass by without the gleam of shimmering golden light being noticed.
“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” -Leonard Cohen
Just as we can sit along the waters edge in a torrent of crashing waves, we know that sometime soon, the tide will pull those white caps away, receiving them back into the deep and at the same time giving a renewed love for calm inhales and exhales and fresh air.
There will be days when plans don't go as expected, when ideas change and you make memories out of the forced smiles between the cries. Those times will come, they always do. But sometimes without them, the regular days... the days we find ourselves alone in a pumpkin "patch" with happy kids, a cool breeze and perfectly shaped orange gourds, would pass by without the gleam of shimmering golden light being noticed.
Oh it's there.
The light is always there. Sometimes it's about letting the light in, even
through the fracture of misguided expectations... and sometimes it's about
shining your own light. Right now? We are trying to do both.
Startling sunlight rises over the horizon and much later in the day, in fact at the end of the day, it does it again. As the sun sets over the opposite horizon it gives off the same light differently. An array off light that is very difficult to imagine and impossible to duplicate...just enjoy them, and say thank you Lord. Love Grt Grnds