Wasn't I just writing about your 16th birthday?
Somehow, a whole year full of ups and downs and ins and outs has passed and I find myself writing again as you turn 17.
Seventeen, more than any age, looks like a cliff. You have obtained that driving license; you've started deciding on colleges; you're preparing for the ACT, the SAT (maybe), and you worked hard to maintain an already stellar GPA; you've started college classes; you are in the midst of many relationships; and you're about to be a high school senior. All of these experiences, and more, have led you to this cliff's edge.
But don't be alarmed! This cliff is offering you a unique perspective on where you've been and the infinite ways to go from here! On this path you've seen the best and the worst of people. Now you know what to look for. On this path, you have seen beauty unparalleled, and ugliness you hope never to see again. Now you know what to look for. This path has been smooth and bumpy along the way (for both of us); and you've learned the smoothest path isn't always the wisest; but sometimes it's ok to "coast" and put down your burdens for a while, too.
You've seen first-hand what integrity really means, and I see you striving to live up to that idea. Watching your sense of humor develop along with your laid back personality has been a trip and a half, and I hope it serves you well in all your years ahead. Your passion for learning inspires me every single day, and I'm so excited to see you spread those wings you've been testing. Happy birthday my sweet boy and though you are not small anymore you will always be mine!