Eight years ago today you were born and I have cherished every
hour. Every minute. Every second.
These last 8 years have gone by fast…way too fast. And as much as
I wish I could slow down time, I can’t so I have no doubt that the next 8 years
will be gone in a flash as well. As you get older I’m sure we’ll clash. You
won’t want to always hug me in front of your friends. You’ll start to roll your
eyes when I try to talk to you. You’ll think I’m totally uncool & lame. But
no matter what, I will always be here for you.
You will learn that life can be crazy at times. Both good &
bad. But you are a strong girl. You have always been a strong girl so when you
are faced with a challenge, use that strength to face it head on. And pick your
battles carefully…some just aren’t worth the trouble.
You will meet many people throughout your life. Not every one of
them will stay and others will become like family. But remember, if your
so-called best friend says things about you behind your back, she is not your
best friend. She never was. If someone makes fun of you for something, it’s not
you they have a problem with, it’s themselves. And never, ever let a boy make
you cry. Know your worth and your value. There are plenty of fish in the sea;
don’t waste your time on ones that can’t swim.
Be happy with who you are. Always Love yourself & never let
anything (or anyone) hold you back. You only get this one shot at life, so embrace
every opportunity. Takes risks. Make mistakes. Go on the adventure. And always
remember, if your heart is telling you something isn’t right, listen to it!
I want you to look at yourself in the mirror every day and remind
yourself that you are beautiful. Smart. Strong. Funny. One of a kind. There is
no other you in this world. And if there ever comes a time when that mirror is
looking a little foggy, call me. I can promise you there will be days when you
don’t feel great about yourself. So always call me, because without you and the
wonderful, amazing little girl that you are, I wouldn’t be me.
We are so incredibly proud of the little lady you’ve become. I
have no doubt that you will grow up and be a truly remarkable person. This
world could use more people like you.
And one last final thought- Always believe in yourself.
Happy 8th Birthday Baby Girl. We love you truly!!