Monday, August 27, 2018

The Kiddos Start School

Today is your first day back and first day ever (technically Raegan's is tomorrow).  8th grade and kindergarten.  New books and lesson plans, sharp pencils and a tall stack of fresh lined paper awaits you.

I am amazed we are here.  Another year.  Bigger shoes.  I still haven’t figured out how this happens right before my eyes, and yet it feels like it happens in leap and bounds.

I blinked.  I was holding each one of you in my arms only days ago, holding your hand just yesterday, and now I just want to hold on to this for as long as possible. 

I want to make these moments last.  Most of them, anyhow.

There is so much I want to teach you, so much I want you to know.  There are books that demand to be read, science that needs to be explored, words that beg to be written, and equations that must be solved.  There is so very much to learn and so much to see.  I am incredibly honored to see it with you.

Sometimes my honored looks more like overwhelmed, more like impatient, more like tired.  And there are moments where those are all true.  But in my heart, and at the end of every day, I always remember what an awesome privilege this is. Truly, awesome. 

This job I have isn’t easy.  I want to teach you logic and Spanish.  I want to discuss worldview and critical thinking.  I want you to know how to learn, how to ask questions, how to solve problems and how to not miss the beauty in it all.  I want to spark fires and inspire appetite, give you roots and foster growth.

How does one momma do all that?

The clock is ticking, the years they seem to pick up speed.  What seemed like an infinite journey at the beginning, a life sentence almost, is now taking shape.  There is an end.  I only have so much time.

So, I must realize now that I will never teach you it all.  A lot, but never all.

In this realization I must prioritize what I really want you to know – what I want you to learn and see in this fleeting time I get with you. 

I want you to know the difference between wisdom and knowledge.  I want you to know Truth.  I want you to know love and compassion and that the world is bigger, so much bigger, than we imagine.

I want you to know humility is a sign of strength and gratitude is the key to happiness.

I want you to know that courage comes in many forms and bravery is a muscle you must never let atrophy.

I want you to know that education is important, but nothing you learn will ever be more important than knowing God.  Nothing you accomplish will ever be more significant than serving Him.  No gift you ever receive will ever be greater than the gift of salvation.  If I fail you in every other way, may I never fail to teach you about the power of prayer…to change lives, to save hearts, to defeat injustice and to defend truth.  May I never fail to teach you about relentless love and redeeming grace about the true Provider and the One who heals.  May I never fail to teach you the Truth of where courage comes from and the foundation in Whom real braveness is found.

All this, on the first day…… One day at a time.

Your daddy and I, we love you more than you know and we are forever thankful that God gave us you.  Here’s to another fabulous school year.  Together.


Love Always,

Your Mommy

Raegan's actual first day pictures.......

Happy Happy Happy

  It’s so crazy to me (as a kid, or even teenager), I always seemed to think time dragged on endlessly. Then at some point in my life, it al...