Thursday, August 17, 2017

Rest In Peace Sweet Max

It is always difficult when you have an animal so long and then they have to move on to heaven.  Ayden is heartbroken as he has had Max for as long as he can remember.  Both Max and Ayden were two when Max came into our lives.  He loved chasing balls and swimming.  In recent years he hasn't been able to do that so much, so the kids are embracing the idea that he is now doing this again in heaven.  Raegan of course between sods wanted to know how he got to heaven.  Which I told her that Jesus came and got him so he could play with the kids up there.  Well Mommy, "how did Jesus come get him, in his truck?"  I had to let her know I didn't think Jesus drove trucks much, to which she said...."that's right he has super powers and could fly to get him".  Sweet babies are learning a lot this year about heartbreak and it is not a lesson that you like to have to visit, but without option they have handled it as well as possible.  We will miss Max for sure!

Happy Happy Happy

  It’s so crazy to me (as a kid, or even teenager), I always seemed to think time dragged on endlessly. Then at some point in my life, it al...