Thursday, January 28, 2016

But, I Don't Want To!

sparked from "Please take a picture!"....


These words scream in my head so often that when I hear them coming from one of my kids, I almost don’t recognize that they are not coming from me.


I don’t want to.


They don’t want to clean up their rooms, read books for school, go outside and play or to practice doing anything.


I don’t want to clean toilets, do laundry, make dinner, or run errands.  I don’t want to go to bed, wake up, exercise, or blow my hair dry.  I don’t want to pay bills, and I sure don’t want to go out in the yard to pull weeds.


But hold on.  Slow up.  Take a breath.


Just forget for a minute that these are my children and that I am their role model.




Why don’t I – we – want to?  Is it because we don’t want others telling us what to do, or because we don’t like to be controlled by outside forces, or because the job is boring, or thankless, or stupid, or – heaven forbid – good for us?


Do you know what I want to do?  Well you probably don’t, but believe me – I’ve tried it.  It gets old, fast.


The things I should do – must do – are always present, and they are there to make life interesting, and productive, and beneficial. 


It’s a hard lesson for some of us, those of us who are wired a little more loosely than others.  (Or tightly, depending on your perspective)  I don’t want to because I feel put out by the things I have to do, that I am somehow missing something else because of the priority things – the work I must do.  I spent all day washing clothes and now I don’t have time to do anything else that might be fun.  FOR ME.





It’s selfishness, really.  A character flaw.


I resist change at an inconsequential level.  Tell me that tomorrow we’ll be doing something in a month, but please don’t tell me that you’re coming home late….. Both of the kids have places to go or things to do and they haven’t approved human cloning yet, and I’m definitely holding out on that before asking anyone to help out.  Also, that stuff I need to get rid of can sit in the garage for a few more weeks, can’t it?  Getting rid of things is a lot of work.  A LOT of work.


And I don’t want to do it.


The realization that my kids mirror what they see in me, and that my job is to teach them otherwise, is a scary thought.  This is my parenting fail.  This is where I’ve messed them up forever. 


I apologize, future spouses of my children.  (I guess I should begin working on this!)


It’s also the point at which I no longer freak out when they refuse to do something.  “I don’t want to” elicits not a surprise reaction, nor anger, nor much emotion at all anymore.  I ask them to verbalize why they don’t want to, and let the reasons play out and dribble away.


We don’t want to, but that’s not an option most of the time.  Getting them to see it that way is hard, but I think eventually they will.

Whether or not they want to, that is.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A New Cousin

Meet Aubrie James Quinn, born on January 12, 2016.  She weighed in at 6 pounds 13 ounces of sweetness!  The kids love her already, as does everyone else!  Raegan was so excited about her but then decided that Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Erin's dog may be better since Aubrie just sleeps right now.  Ayden was so excited he rushed in to hold her and love on her!  Both of the kiddos love babies.....I wonder where they get that from?!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Welcome 2016.....

Welcome to the mess.....
the madness.....
and the chaos.....
with a touch of magic!

That's how the New Year always presents itself!

Here we go.....hoping for a fabulous 2016 full of blessings!

Happy Happy Happy

  It’s so crazy to me (as a kid, or even teenager), I always seemed to think time dragged on endlessly. Then at some point in my life, it al...