Friday, August 28, 2015

Kids and their FUN!!

 Raegan loves Rain and her Lilah Grace baby!  She would take them everywhere if she could.  There are many times Lilah Grace makes Walmart trips with us and rides in the cart.  But, you can't take your baby anywhere without her bag.  All good Mommies know that!
Raegan loves to go to the park!  She loves to climb, run and jump on things.  She is a little nervous when it comes to the slides, but she could swing all day!  It is the simple things, right?

 Ayden loves to swim and he loves his friends.  So, what could be better than swimming with friends?!  Ayden, Riley, and Hugh enjoyed a late night swim followed by a trip in the hot tub to end out their summer.

 Raegan also loved spending time with Allie a couple weeks ago.  They were already planning trips to feed the deer with their daddies!
I love watching my kids have FUN!!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Ayden's 5th grade interview

2/17/2005, my first born came into this world
And since that day, this perfect creation has continued to live by his own schedule.
I love this kid so much that it hurts.

I could tell you everything I love about him, but that would take until next month, so, instead read this interview.
It's funny because he hated it so much.............

"Ayden, can I ask you a few questions?"

"It won't take long, I promise"
"One day, you will thank me for doing all of this"
"I doubt that, I don't even know what we are doing"

"Whats your favorite color?"
"TV Show"
"Star Wars Clone Wars"
"Star Wars"
"Chicken Alfredo"
"Do I have to have a favorite number?  I guess 10."
"Because you are only going to be 10 once"

"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?"
"Busch Gardens or Disney World"

"What makes you happy?"
"When I can't get what I want"
"When people are sick"

"Tell me one good thing about Daddy"
"He's smart"
"Tell me one good thing about Mommy"
"She takes care of me"

"Tell me one good thing about Raegan"
"My sister is fun!

"How tall do you think you will grow?"

"Where will you go on your first date?"
"Ugh why do I think about that.  Maybe a restaurant or a movie"

"Who and what would you take with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?"
"My family and well my iPad "

"Are you going to have kids one day?"
"Probably, well not me but my wife"

"What do you own right now that you will keep forever?"
"Star Wars books"
"Because I'm a Star Wars fanatic "

"What kind of car will you drive when you're a grown up?"

"What part of being a grown up are you looking forward to the most?
"Owning a car and driving"

"What part are you a little afraid of?"
"Getting married"


Happy 1st day of 5th grade to my headstrong, handsome, smart, funny, affectionate 10 year old.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Aquarium and more.....

We took a couple days this summer to spend with the kids and do a few things with them.  We spent a  morning at the aquarium and an afternoon at an arcade/bowling alley/driving range as it started raining on us.  We even ran into some people we knew there and Ayden had some kids to bowl with. 

Raegan enjoyed her first aquarium visit looking at the fish, turtles, and seahorses.  She was not however fond of the giant shark character that came out and walked around to see the kids.  As Ayden petted stingrays and held crabs......Raegan sorta looked at him like he was nuts!  But, nevertheless I think they had fun!

We drove over to Fort Macon as well and were going to visit, but the rain had other plans for us.  Ayden did get to see the cannon's staged on top of the fort and thought it was awesome to see.  Maybe next time we will actually be able to go inside, but with the streets flooding we decided it was time to get off the outer banks.

So, we went off to the indoor fun!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Raegan is growing up and so are we.....

My baby is growing (32 pounds of curiousity). Our littlest. A sweet rambunctious wee thing that years before I never had thought would be part of our lives, seeing that I planned on only having one child for so long. But my heart grew as my family grew and more was never out of the question. And this past weekend?   More fun and potty training……
I think as our kids grow we revert to that quintessential human trait of resisting change. Of course we rejoice over milestones while we clap and cheer for first steps, first words and good choices. Yet laying there, sometimes dormant and underneath the face shrouded in pride for our littles’ achievements, is this pang that reverberates through a mother’s body with each stride towards their own life and adulthood, a mother’s growing pains. 
This stage, almost three, is a tough one. It’s a beautiful one. It’s a trying stage and an exciting age. They days are long, and most nights my eyelids are heavy long before I fall into bed, and yet while I’m excited for her to continue to grow in her skills and independence, there’s also a long road ahead full of the unknown which makes it easy to want to cocoon into her early years and stay there wrapped up tight. I want my kids to develop and flourish, although I’m confident and comfortable in this stage and sometimes wish I could pause right where we are. 
For now though, I’ll just settle for enjoying it, the long days and short nights.  And while I’m at it, I’ll go back to the school of Parenthood, where life lessons involve loving and learning to let go, in so many ways.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hey there.....

What have you missed?

Where have you been?

OOPS, it was is busy, consuming and never-ending and sometimes we can't take time to do the things we personally like to do.  But, I would like to may not be weekly or even biweekly, but I want to keep this updated as I print it for a remembrance for my kids when they are older.


here you go.......

We will start with the updated family pictures for the year.

My kids are kinda cute, don't ya think?

Happy Happy Happy

  It’s so crazy to me (as a kid, or even teenager), I always seemed to think time dragged on endlessly. Then at some point in my life, it al...